Monday, December 21, 2009
Sweet nibblets! I need to sleep!
But ironically,i can't sleep
That's my point,sleeping at around 3am everyday doesn't seem to be a good thing
Digging out the positive aspect of it,u can finally find yourself staying up till so late cause i can't do it anymore when school starts!
To a larger extent,u think deeply,c'mon on.How am i gonna start getting used to the sleeping time i had before?
I mean c'mon! Y dwell on these when ur having a good time now?
Yea,a great time.I changed to a new phone.
Like finally,a phone that can stay with me for long

And W-H-A-T T-H-E H-E-C-K is wrong with mixpod?!
C'mon,what's wrong with it?!
Tplp says:mixpod kick ass super boomxz!
o.O?! ok! i can't be bothered!
Wondering who Tplp is, 'Welcome to pastamania,can i have ur order?'
Yea,got it?:)

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