Monday, March 15, 2010
I literally sat on a millionaire's Merc with the millionaire himself driving beside me!
Gosh, awesome la please! That was real shit i tell u
He's a GM for 'Medic', a major company which sells all kinds of medicines.
If u dun get ur shit at Watson's , Guardian or anywhere else, GO TO MEDIC(the only place that i know which has this shop is at tanjong pagar,HEHE)
It sells all kinds of remedies.
He gave me all sorts of advisories till it got very annoying
Cause if u were there, u would be like 'have u had enough?!'
Oh c'mon! are u gonna be that nasty?! we depend on him when we are ill etc.
But he's good! Millionaire where got no good rite!! TSK!

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